Archive for the ‘church’ Category
Today the United States witnessed a significant shift in public policy regarding traditional marriage. Some theologically conservative Christians might see this as a tough time for our nation, for morality, and for the church. I see potential. In fact, as I heard the news this morning I realized this season […]
Read More...It’s a question we must ask: Do all the leadership structures, flow charts and organization of our ministries result in more or better discipleship? Jesus made it pretty clear—the great commission, the statement all of our mission statements are based on, says: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been […]
Read More...I’ve had countless discussions with groups of younger pastors, and among the important issues we discuss, the tools and technology available for ministry today is usually either a topic of conversation or at least a subtext to it. I can’t remember the last time I was in a meeting where […]
Read More...Reading through Acts 5 this morning, I was struck with some radical differences between the early church and today’s American church. And I was pressed to consider my role—a leader of a larger group of churches—and how different I function in that role than those leaders in the early church […]
Read More...Recently I was asked to contribute to an online magazine for Ex-Pastors; while I still work for the church, I happen to find myself in that category. The following is my “confession” that I submitted (and I am sure will be adjusted and edited beyond recognition). About 8 months ago, […]
Read More...”The kingdom of God will be taken from you & given to those who will produce its fruit”. (Matthew 21:43) To Jesus finding fruit was more important than being fair. To the Pharisees who heard Jesus speaking, they knew He was talking about them. And in order to fully appreciate […]
Read More...Acts 17:24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands.” Temples built by hands. We all have been a part of building temples. Whether it manifests in a physical building, an organizational […]
Read More...Christmas fell on a Sunday again this year, and there were more and more churches who decided to “close up shop”. All of the pastors I know who decided not to gather as a Church on Sunday morning had a full complement of Christmas Eve (and even Christmas Eve-Eve) services […]
Read More...It’s Christmas Eve, 2011, and I’m enjoying watching my city kids play on Grandpa’s 2 acres in the country outside of Eugene. This is the first year in a long time that we took off for Christmas vacation and didn’t have church responsibilities to distribute before we left. This year […]
Read More...“I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you…” “On hearing it, many of His disciples said, ‘this is a hard teaching, who can accept it?’…From this time many of His disciples turned back […]
Read More...My wife and I have a Starbucks mug collection that’s very special to us. We built the collection over years as we have moved and traveled and ministered all over the country and the world. In each place we’ve lived, in many places we’ve served, and in select locations where […]
Read More...While in Rome on a “footsteps of Paul” trip a few weeks ago, I had the privilege to tour the Coliseum. It was an amazing man-made structure that has stood for thousands of years. In the middle of the modern city stood something that is centuries older than anything that […]
Read More...Recently my best friend John Fehlen used the following quote in a sermon he preached. Are we giving people God, or are we giving them our good ideas? Hint, our culture needs more than our “success” and redeemed strategies; they need the presence of Jesus! “Many Christian leaders are uncomfortable […]
Read More...In Luke 19:10 Jesus said the reason He came was to seek and save the lost. There is tension that exists within the church today between those congregations that feel they are seeker driven (crowd to core) and those who are primarily focused on equipping the congregation (core to crowd). […]
Read More...Last night my wife and I went to a U2 concert. I’ve caught nearly every tour since 1985, and this was one of the best performances I’ve seen…let’s just say these guys are consummate showmen! I stood directly in front of the sound board. I’ve found when I have general […]