
Let me tell you a secret: I don’t really always fit in very well.

Moving around all my early life (20 houses by the time I was 18), I got used to quickly figuring out a situation and finding people to hang out with, but rarely totally fitting in. The thing about it was I learned not to care much, and even learn to embrace it. There is a certain freedom that accompanies being a little on the outside.

And from the outside I watched others on the “inside” trying desperately to fit in even more, and loose themselves in the process.

When we seek popularity or power or position and don’t stay true to who we know hgh spray human growth hormone hghfreeinfoexchangenet we are, we loose. Some would say it’s worth it because if you are on the inside you can make changes. But the ends never justify the means, and it’s hard enough to maintain integrity when you just find yourself being promoted to power…it’s nearly impossible to maintain it when you’ve been positioning yourself to get inside, because you’ll do anything to keep the spot you finallly grabbed.

As far as changing things from the inside? Sure. But you can make a difference from the outside, too. I like to remember the following Steve Jobs quote (and take it with only a grain of salt):

“it’s better to be a pirate than to join the Navy!”