Transformation over Transition (Acts 1 repost)

“…Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them: ”It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:6-8

These guys were asking a big question, and it wasn’t just a theological or political query about the nature or timing of the Kingdom of God. This was a personal question. Jesus’ disciples were looking forward to being a personal and active part of the rulership of that Kingdom—Jesus had promised they would sit on thrones with Him—so they were wondering what everyone wants to know…

“What, exactly, is my future, and when, exactly, is it going to happen?”

Admit it, you’ve wanted to know what the future held for you! If we had a physical audience with Jesus, most of us would probably be like the disciples and ask Him what was next for our lives. Who isn’t interested in knowing the future? Particularly their own future?

But Jesus gives a particularly blunt answer: “You don’t get to hgh vitamins know the time; timing is the Father’s business” (The Message).


We really, really want to know what’s coming next and when it’s going to be happening. When will we find that special “someone”? When will the job promotion come? What will our impact on the world be? When will our prayers to God, and promises from God, be answered?

In essence, Jesus is saying, “Wrong Question”.

He says to His disciples, “you don’t get to know when it’s going to happen, but I will tell you how“.

I want to know when my life is going to take off…He tells me how: “Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and share my life with others all over the place.”

I tend to be too interested in the transitions—the times and dates; the precise places and the particular purposes. But God tells me that my life needs to be about transformation.

I am called to be full of the Holy Spirit, conformed to His character, manifesting His power in the world around me and preparing to let my transformed life reflect Him wherever I happen to find myself going. My job is to let Him shape and transform me; He will take care of the times and places of any future necessary transitions.