How to present like Steve Jobs

I admit I’ve been a Mac fan (and user) for over 20 years, now, so I’ve been watching Steve Jobs for a long time. I know he is far from a perfect human being, but regardless of what you think of him or his products (Apple & Pixar), nobody would argue about his ability to communicate.

I just saw a link on a friends twitter (thanks @alisa_m_) to this 5 minute video clip from called “How to present like Steve Jobs”. If you do presentations for your work or if, like me, you are a pastor who preaches regularly, I think you could learn a thing or two from watching this video.

I Buy Ambien think it is important to learn effective communication techniques, but don’t ever forget that God can, will, and has used poor communicators to present the powerful message of the Gospel. Moses couldn’t talk…Paul apparently wasn’t much to listen to…I’ve heard of pastors reading manuscripts word-for-word and still seeing the Holy Spirit move powerfully.

But that doesn’t mean we should be slack in using every tool at our disposal in the service of our Lord. In the end, it’s only God’s power that validates the Kingdom sermon, but I want to make sure I’m not doing anything intentionally or unintentionally to distract others from what He may be wanting to say through me.